SWAT Committee Meetings

The Southwest Area Transportation Committee typically meets at 3 PM on the first Monday of each month. Meeting times can vary. Meetings are held at Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors’ Office - District 2 (Candace Andersen) Lafayette Office at 3338 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Lafayette, CA 94549.

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SWAT Meeting Notifications & Agenda Distributions

Meeting agenda packets are generally available on the website five days prior to the meeting. Unless specifically requested, agendas will be sent electronically. To receive hard copies of SWAT agenda packets, send requests to the SWAT administrator.

SWAT agendas are physically posted at the hosting jurisdiction (jurisdiction of current Chair) no later then 72 hours prior to the meeting. Agendas will also be posted and available on this web page.

If you encounter problems with downloading agenda packets, please contact the SWAT Administrator.

SWAT Agenda Item Submission Guidelines

Individuals who need to include an item on the SWAT agenda need to follow the guidelines:

  • Provide exact, but brief, language on the item. Indicate if Committee action is required.
  • A cover letter or staff report, as appropriate.
  • Submit all documents digitally. If you cannot provide digital files, please send an original copy of the materials to the SWAT Administrator.
  • All agenda items and corresponding documents must be received by the SWAT Administrator 10 days in advance of the meeting. Agenda items received after this time cannot be accommodated.
  • Supporting documents not included in the agenda packet can be distributed as meeting handouts.


SWAT Rules of Procedure

These are our rules of membership, representation, functions of SWAT and more.
Download PDF

Acronym Decoder Ring

A glossary of transportation terminology and acronyms. Courtesy of TRANSPAC.
Download PDF